Thanks to the wonderful weather we get to enjoy most of the time here down under, it’s fair to assume that the majority of people who can afford one, definitely have a swimming pool in their garden! Here at Gurus of Glass we love the idea of families spending lots of time around the pool when the temperatures are high, but equally, we also love the idea of everyone being safe of you do so! When it comes to swimming pool security in your garden, the best option to go for that doesn’t do anything to detract from the natural beauty of your garden is definitely the installation of a glass pool fence. Here are some of the best benefits of glass pool fences on the Gold Coast.
Firstly, there is no arguing that a clear glass pool fence is the most attractive and visually appealing of the options. The transparent nature of the fencing means that the natural beauty of your garden can continue unimpeded, especially if you choose frameless glass fencing. You don’t want to spend time on the look of your garden only to have it ruined by a big, opaque fence situation.
Glass pool fencing provides maximum safety for both children and pets who might be playing and walking around the pool area. You can’t always have you eyes on all things at all times, so having the peace of mind that your glass fence is there doing its job is invaluable to many.
Out of all the types of pool fences that you should choose to install, it’s fair to say that glass is the easiest to maintain. Literally just like a cleaning a window in your home, all it takes is a good bucket of soapy water and a squeegee to keep your pool area looking so fresh and so clean.
In addition to be easy to clean, it has been proven the glass pool fencing is the least likely to develop any issues in relation to hygiene like algae.
So, if these benefits appeal to you and you think your own pool area is in need of an upgrade, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to see what we can do for you. We have experience dealing with all kinds of pools and all kinds of garden environments, so don’t make the mistake of thinking you can’t have a glass pool fence of your own.
9am – 5pm
9am – 5pm
9am – 5pm
9am – 5pm
9am – 5pm
7am – 12pm